sunday coffee series: watch & read

Happy Sunday, lovelies! I've been sleeping in this morning, which has been so nice. For some reason I have been sleeping horribly this week, but for the past two nights I have slept so solidly. You know when you fall asleep at an intense grandma time and then stay asleep for ages? So refreshing.

Without further ado...

Watch: Beauty Youtubers

Hello October: Emma Watson Minimal Makeup look

I Covet Thee: How to Look Good with Five Products 

Chrissstttiiine: Jeanne Damas Inspired Makeup

Read: Beauty & Style Bloggers

Sophie's Makeup: This girl takes the prettiest photos and has insanely good taste. Good for curated homeware and ASOS wishlists.

The Small Things Blog: This is like a lifestyle + beauty + hair blog. Good for settling in with a cup of coffee.

The Style Bee: I want to steal this girl's style!! You've got to see it for yourself.

What have you guys got planned for your Sunday?


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